Post-Con Thoughts: Fan Expo 2018

Better late than never as they say. This year's Fan Expo brought many new experiences as well as the same blissful feeling of needing to keep writing.

This year, I had the opportunity to share the table with fellow Fantasy Author Susan Faw. In an unforeseen happy turn of events, we were given the opportunity to spread out due to some of the vendors beside us didn't show up and so I ended up with double the table space. Its been a long time since the banner of the Four Forces flew at Fan Expo and it was strange to have more leg room than usual.

I was also given the opportunity to take part in a panel this year with fellow authors from the WCYR about publishing which was quite exciting as I have always hoped to one day participate in panels at Fan Expo.

I always say that Fan Expo provides me with additional motivation for writing and this year was no different. The raw energy of interacting people while exhausting in the immediate run, always manages to transform and manifest itself within me as a fire to keep going. It was incredible for me to see yet again also how many people were coming to ask about the third book in the series. I promise you all that it will be coming sooner than later. I will not lie, however, there have been some timeline setbacks due to working longer hours than I did previously.

The Q-16 series for those who don't know is a labour of love and a piece of myself that I am lucky enough to share with you all. Writing for me is not my full time career though this author hopes one day it could be. How can you help? Simple, just spread the word.

The table has already been rebooked for next year and I hope by then to have copies of Q-16 and the Fury of Korangar available on my table for you all. It's a long road till then, but the fit draft is almost done and as they say, life is full of possibilities. Until our next chance meeting. Keep it awesome!


CONVENTION ALERT - Toronto Comic Con 2019
