Book Review: Brave New Girls Tales of Girls and Gadgets

I picked up my copy of Brave New Girls: Tales of Girls and Gadgets a few years ago at Ad Astra where I had a chance to meet a few of the authors in person and was intrigued by the mission of the anthology. Being myself a girl, or young woman rather, in the tech field, the themes in the stories reminisced with me on a personal level. I was one of a handful of girls in my Contemporary Media Production program and prior to that in high school, the only girl in the Communications Technology class and while this has never bothered me as a tomboy, there was always a twinge in the back of my mind going, there are less boys than girls here.

Rambling a bit so let me get back on topic, the anthology is meant to encourage young women in the STEM fields and the proceeds of it go towards the Society of Women Engineers scholarship fund. The stories are wonderfully diverse and each hold their own, presenting a vast cast of characters. Each story felt like a portal into its own world and I was able to immerse myself within it. I have found in many anthologies that this is not the case and so I applaud the authors and editors who worked with them on this regard.

I highly recommend this anthology to both young readers and adults. I think there is a lesson to be learned regardless of age or gender: STEM fields are awesome as are those in them!

Grab your copy here!




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