Short Story Announcement: Brave New Girls Tales of Heroines Who Hack

Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce my short story Impossible Odds will be included in Brave New Girls: Tales of Heroines Who Hack. I'm glad I can once again to be part of this endeavour and to help raise money for the Society of Women Engineers scholarship fund. For those of you who don't know my day job background I'm actually a multimedia designer (includes graphic design, web design, video and user interface design) so I'm no stranger to code or computers and while my skills might not be as great as some of the heroines you'll get to read about in this anthology, I like to think I can certainly identify with them on some level.

Anywho, without further ado, here's the cover that was revealed earlier today.


CONVENTION ALERT - Toronto ComicCon 2018


Short Story Announcement: Power: In the Hands of One, In the Hands of Many