2017 - A Year In Review

For me, 2017 was a year of continued change and growth as well as the final year of my twenties. On the front of being an author, I managed to publish the second novel in the Q-16 series as well as a few short stories in various anthologies so it's been productive, even crazy at times. I also got to attend various events around Ontario and chat with authors of many different calibres. I've also realized how grateful I am to count myself among such kindred spirits. It's an incredible feeling to go to all these places and meet people who are just as passionate about what they create as I am about my own work.

On the more personal side, I changed day jobs, you know, that thing I do to pay the bills. Again I have nothing to complain about because it's been fantastic. Did I mention I now get to list that I write officially as part of a day job and there is tech involved?

And yes as mentioned, this was the last year of my twenties but am I desperately clawing for it to not end? Not really. Yes I spent most of it in school, going through first university and then college, but I also began writing something more than just essays and through it, I've realized just maybe what it was that I was put on this darned Earth for.

As I head into 2018, the road in many aspects of life is still uncertain for me as I can guess it is for many others reading this and I like to think that's okay. I do know for sure, however, that the changes are not about to end and now more than ever as I enter another chapter in life.

I'll leave this end of year post with the opening lines of Q-16 and the Lord of the Unfinished Tower. I feel they, more than any other words I could add here best describe just what it is I am trying to say:

Change. The eternal cycle of life moving forward and never taking a second glance back. All living things experience it and it is one's decisions that shape the future of who they are to become. They are the lines between duty and love, pride and humility, false heroism and true valour. Though it comes no matter how one tries to postpone it, the ultimate outcome belongs to the heart of the one standing within the storm.

Happy and Safe New Year!


Short Story Announcement: Water


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