Book Review: Cadence of Consequence by MJ Moores

Having read the first book in The Chronicles of Xannia and having enjoyed it thoroughly, it was only natural that I read the second volume in the series. Cadence of Consequences picks up right where the first novel, Time's Tempest leaves off. As the title of the novel suggests Taya, as well as the other characters in the novel, are forced to live with the consequences of the actions taken in Time's Tempest.

After the explosive finale of the first book, Taya is forced to hide underground while Dezmind must carry on in his task of trying to win over as many people to the cause as possible. Across the desert, the members of the Kahn-lea work tirelessly to keep the generator going while facing the threat of an ancient virus come back from the past to wreak havoc on the present.

Unlike Time's Tempest which focuses only on Taya's perspective, Cadence of Consequences jumps around to different points of view from different characters giving the reader a much more intimate look at the happenings in various circles. I felt also that this shift helped to build more of the world around the characters as well as to develop their own personal arcs. The story itself was in no shortage of action and plot twists.

Once again, I highly recommend this series to lovers of science fiction and fantasy. I can't wait to continue the action in the next volume, Rebels Rein.


2017 - A Year In Review


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